Fiskaltrust All System Control - DISH POS Lite

POS System control

  1. First open the Fiskaltrust overview.
  2. Click Configuration.
  3. Click Queue.
  4. Identify the queue of the CashBox being controlled and click Export.
  5. Enter range (date/time) for the export.
  6. Scroll down and activate archive auditable.
  7. Click Start export.
  8. To get your created archives, go to Tools and click on Exports.
  9. Identify the archive or archives (monthly created) that should be handed over and click on the chevron on the left side.
It must have the format: PosArchiveFR
  1. Download both files and give them to the auditor. That's it! You're done.

🎓 Step-by-Step Instructions

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