How can I add and manage user groups?

In this tutorial we are going to show you how to add and manage user groups.

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Steps to create user groups

In DISH POS you can create user groups. These groups determine what a user has or doesn't have access to in the back office or what the user is allowed or not allowed to do in the app. These user groups can then be linked to a user. User groups can be created for users of the app and for users of the back office.

Modifying a user group

If user groups already exist, you modify a group. To do this, click the pencil icon next to the group. A screen will appear where you can make modifications. For example, the name or the rights. When finished, click on save at the bottom right.

Copy existing user group

If user groups have already been created, you can easily create an additional group by copying one of these existing groups. Do this by clicking the icon with the two squares next to a user group. This automatically copies the groups' settings and you can make the appropriate changes. It's important to give the new group a different name. When all the changes have been made click save in the bottom right corner.

Creating a new back office user group

You can also create a new group by clicking +Add user group in the top right corner. Firstly, groups for back office users, financial management and administration are created.

  1. Fill in the name of the user group
  2. Fill in the type of user
  3. Areas: Under areas you can indicate which store the user group applies to (in case there are multiple stores). If you enable 'Use user authorization areas' it will automatically select the location that is set for the user. More information about this can be found in the chapter User management
  4. Transmit cash register program: here you determine whether the user can make changes to the app
  5. Permissions: set the rights for each component here. If users are not allowed to do anything, click "none". You can also choose Read or Read and Write
  6. In the section Financials you can indicate whether users are allowed to see the reports, orders and open items
  7. Click Save to save the group and then you can link the users to the new user group
Create new user group App

Repeat the actions as above, but at Type choose App user

As soon as you have chosen this, the permissions are automatically displayed. You can choose from the following options:

  • None: the user will not be able to use that function
  • Without manager code: the user can use the function
  • Manager code required: the user may use the function in question after the manager has entered his code

Click Save in the lower right corner. Via Users, you can link the users to this new user group. Under the field User group you can add the new group and click Save at the bottom right.

Deleting a user group

To remove a user group, press the trash can icon next to the employee. You confirm the deletion by pressing Ok. Note: deleted groups cannot be restored. Make sure you link users that were previously linked to this to another group.

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How can I add and manage turnover groups?

How can I add and manage users?
