How to manage customer accounts in the App?

Magdalena Stoyanova Updated by Magdalena Stoyanova

To start using customer accounts, you first you have to give user (group) permission to start using the customer account functionality. You can find more information about this process in this related article.

Steps-by-step guide

  1. Login to the device and click on Customer accounts
  2. You get a overview of the accounts 
  3. You can add a new account with the + icon (right top) 
  4. Search for a customer and click Yes to add. (in this demo: Customer account C)

Deposit, withdraw, details

  1. Click on a customer and you see 3 options: Deposit, Withdraw and Account Details, select Deposit 
  2. Add an amount to increase the deposit with
  3. Long press CASH to pay via this method
  4. Press Withdraw to remove an amount from the account
  5. Enter the amount
  6. Long press the payment method (example CASH)
  7. The deposit is now lowered with this amount
  8. Select Account details to see details about the customer
  9. If an order is payed with the customer account you can also see the details of the order. With the green circle you can print the order
  10. To pay an order with a customer account you can press Customer Account as payment method. You first have to link to a customer, by clicking on customer and adding the customer to the order

That's it. You know how to manage a custumer account in the App.

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