How can I adjust the settings of a restaurants location?

In this tutorial, we will show you how to adjust the settings of a restaurant's location in the DISH Order dashboard.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. On the dashboard, click on RESTAURANT.
  2. Click on Locations.
  3. To edit a location, click on the pencil icon next to it.
  4. You can enable or disable the options for Delivery and Pick-up.
  5. Adjust settings related to accepted orders, including:

- Estimated delivery time

- Estimated pickup time

- Auto decline time period

  1. Enable or disable Preorders, and adjust the settings for accepted preorders.
  2. Enable or disable email notifications for pending orders.
  3. Scroll up and click Save & Close.

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An overview of the dashboard

How do I accept an order on the Dashboard ?
