How do I print reports from my device?

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to write reports from your device

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Printing reports from your device

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Steps for printing reports

In the top left corner you will see the 'hamburger menu'. If you click this a list of features appears, including Print report.

In the DISH POS app, several reports are available that can be printed from the app on the receipt printer.

The Stock report prints an overview of the items with current stock levels

The Shift report prints an overview of the turnover of the logged in employee

The All shifts report prints a summary of the turnover per employee and a total

The Cash transaction report prints a summary of all cash transactions such as cash in/out

The Attention summary report prints an overview of all the special circumstances during a shift, such as the removal of products by the registered employee

The Daily report prints an overview of all the particularities of all shifts per employee

The Product report prints an overview of all sold products

The Turnovergroup report prints an overview of the sales per group

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