How to set up menus for specific areas and times?

In this article we show you, how to set up menus for specific areas and times

With the Menu planner you can make a menu visible on your POS system, QR or Kiosk solution for a specified time period.

👆🏼 Try it yourself


First login to the backoffice

  1. Go to Articles
  2. Go to Time Period
  3. Press on + Add time period
Here you find more information about the time period function.
  1. Add the Name of the period, in this example we add a lunch period
  2. Add the Start date
  3. Add the Start time (we serve lunch from 12am in this example)
  4. Set the duration in this example 5 hours (so till 17.00)
  5. Enable is repeatable if you want to set this lunch every day
  6. Repeat every 1 days for this example, but you can also set for week, month, year
  7. At Stop Repeat you can set the moment that the time-period has to end
  8. Press Save

Creating the connected lunch menu

Now we have to make a menu with only the lunch products on it.

  1. Go to Menus
  2. Press on + Add menu
  3. Add a name (ex. Lunch menu)
  4. Enable is derived menu
  5. Select the base menu, in this case Menukaart
  6. Leave the Store always on None
  7. Press Save

How to adapt the menu

  1. Press on the main menu (ex. Menukaart) and use the down-facing arrow to see the underlying menus
  2. Press on Lunch menu
  3. Open the underlying submenu’s by using on the down-facing arrow
  4. You can disable a submenu by pressing on the trashcan icon
  5. You can enable a submenu by pressing on the + icon

  1. Go to General
  2. Click on Facilities

If you want to enable the menu for every facility (table) you can press on the edit button. If you only want to do it for the terrace, you can press on the edit button at Terrace.

  1. Select Menu
  2. You can select if the menuplanner is working for the POS or for the Self-service (QR, Kiosk)
  3. Select at Period the Lunch time period you did add before, you can add multiple time-periods.
  4. At menu you select the menu that have to be enabled
  5. Press on + Add
  6. Press Save

Transmitting the changes

  1. Go to General
  2. Click on Transmit in the top right corner.

🎓 Step-by-Step Instructions

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