Why am I not receiving a confirmation of my electronic invoice?

Magdalena Stoyanova Updated by Magdalena Stoyanova

In this tutorial, we are going to show you what do to when you don't receive a confirmation of your electronic invoice.

Sending electronic invoices works according to the "fire and forget" principle. While cashing out a table, you don't have to regularly check whether the invoices have been sent or not. This is the task of EFSTA, and it is done automatically.

However, if delivery is not possible, e.g. due to incorrect addressing, you will be notified by e-mail.
Here is how you can check if the invoice was correctly sent:
  1. First Login into the EFSTA portal.
  2. Then, click on Companies on the left and select the desired facility.
  3. Click on <...> at the end of the row of the desired facility.
  4. Then click on LIST E-INVOICES
  5. A list of invoices is going to appear:
    1. Green means that the invoice was sent correctly.
    2. Red means that there was some incorrect information of the customer and you'll have received an email.
  1. You can check if you have listed the right email by clicking on eDocument.
  1. The email you have received will contain a link to a "resend" page.
It is important to verify that you have the right information about the customer: Ctm.TaxId, IT_CodiceDestinatario, IT_PECDestinatario and IT_CodiceFiscale.

That's it. Now you know why you do not receive any confirmation of an electronic invoice.

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