How do I create gift cards?

Diaa Elhimdi Updated by Diaa Elhimdi

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to create a Native Gift Card.

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To successfully create a Native Gift Card, the following steps should be done in the Backoffice: 

  1. Create a Turnover category.
  2. Create a Product group.
  3. Create a Product underneath it.
  4. Create a Menu where you can put this Product.
  5. Create a Payment method.
  6. Create a Payment method menu where the new gift card payment method should go.
  7. Send changes.

Create a Turnover category

  1. Go to the menu item General and select Turnover categories. From there, click on + Add turnover category.
  2. Enter the name of the turnover category (e.g. Giftcards)
  3. Click on Save.

 Create a Product group

  1. Go to the menu item Articles and select the submenu Product groups. From there, click on + Add product groups.
  2. Enter the name of the product group (e.g. Giftcard)
  3. Select the Inherited product group (e.g. Miscellaneous)
  4. Select the Turnover category that has been just created.
  5. For the VAT rate, choose 0%.
  6. The VAT should be included in the gift card, so select YES in the corresponding field of VAT included.
  7. Then, click on Save.

Create a Product

  1. Under the same menu, select the submenu Products. Then, click on + Add product.
  2. Fill in the name of the product (e.g. Giftcard €10)
  3. Select the Product group that has been just created.
  4. For the Turnover category, the default one should be correct (the one that just has been created)
  5. Enter the Price which corresponds to the value of the gift card.
  6. For the Workflow, select Native gift card top-up.
If the Native gift card top-up isn’t visible, you should contact your sales representative.
  1.  For the Processing type, select Top-up.
  2. Finally, click on Save.
If often used, it is advisable to create multiple products related to the Native Gift Card. For example, use the following products: NGC 10 Euro where the price of this product should be €10, NGC 20 Euro that has a price of €20, and NGC Open Price where the price should be zero and the Open price should be enabled.

Create a Menu

  1. Go to the submenu Menus.
  2. Select the desired Menu, then click on + Add submenu.
  3. Fill in the name of the submenu (e.g. Native Gift Card)
  4. Underneath the column Products, select the just created product(s).
  5. Drag and drop the selected product(s) to the just created submenu.

 Create a Payment method

  1. Click on the menu Payment, then select the submenu Payment methods.
  2. Then click on + Add payment method.
  3. Enter the name of the payment method (e.g. Native Gift Card)
  4. For Payment method type, select Native gift card.
If the Native gift card isn’t visible, you should contact your sales representative.
  1.  Choose the currency Euro.
  2. Select Voucher payment in the correspondent field of Fiscal reference.
  3. Click on Save.

 Create a Payment method menu 

  1. Under the same main menu, click on Payment method menu.
  2. Select the desired Payment method menu.
  3. Select underneath Payment method the just created payment method.
  4. Drag and drop the selection to the menu.

 Send the changes

The final step consist of sending changes by clicking on General underneath the main menu General, then click on Send.

Now you can print a gift card from your POS:

  • A receipt is printed, including a Gift Card reference (GC2142010745581 in this case):


  • A Gift Card is printed, including an Einlösungscode (8197061536684 in this case): 


  • Once the order is paid, the following receipt is printed: 


The validity of the Native Gift Card is the “running calendar year + 3 years”.  So, a Native Gift Card given out on May 1st 2024, is valid until December 31st 2027.   
It is not possible to apply a discount to a Native Gift Card, or even apply a discount to an entire order where a Native Gift Card is partially been used as payment.

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