Correcting an invitation to a non-existent eMail address

Magdalena Stoyanova Updated by Magdalena Stoyanova

Disclaimer: fiskaltrust is NOT a DISH product, and therefore we can not assume any responsibility for process changes, or malfunctions.

How to correct an invitation sent to a non-existing email address.

  1. To log in into the fiskaltrust.Portal, first enter your Email address.
  2. Now enter your password and click Log in.
  3. Once logged in, click PosOperator on the sidebar menu.
  4. A drop-down menu will open, and you'll have to click on Invitation.
  5. Then click on History.
  6. Click on Invoke Protocol to be able to visualize all the invitations that have been sent.
  7. Now enter the client's name in the search table.
  8. A list of all the email sent will appear, and you can verify that the email was sent by a checkmark at the beginning of the row of the client.
  9. On the right corner of the client's name, you can click on Copy link to clipboard.
  10. A new window is then going to open, where you will click on Copy.
  11. You'll then need to open a new window in the incognito mode and paste the copied URL.
Please be sure to use the incognito mode, otherwise errors might occur.
  1. A new page of Fiskaltrust is going to open, and you'll have to log in again. This time you can use any kind of standard password like for example: fiskalTrusT&65.
  2. You'll have to check the Read and Accepted T&C and Privacy Policy.
  3. Click on Next.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the contract and enter a Signatory DISH Digital in the requested field on behalf of the client.
  5. Click on Sign.
  6. Now, go to the left side of the page and click on Company Info.
  7. Click on Master data.
  8. You can now replace the wrong eMail-address with the correct one.
  9. Click on Save.
  10. You can now close the Incognito mode. Afterward, inform the client that they are going to receive an email to accept the new username and password that you created for their establishment.
  11. After the client has clicked on the confirmation link, they can log into his fiskaltrust.portal and change the password.
  12. After entering the standard password and the new password twice, click Save.

That's it for now. From here, continue with the standard onboarding.

🎓 Step-by-Step Instructions

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