How to adjust product details?

In this article we are going to show you how to adjust product details

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Product details explained

Products are listed in the products section and here you will see a number of properties per product, including the ID; this is a unique code for each item. This code is automatically generated and cannot be changed. You will also see a number of settings such as name, product group, and turnover group.

Product details

Use the "pencil icon" to edit the product details. Various options will appear:

  • Name: this contains the product name
  • Product group: each item is linked to a group that contains the predefined settings, such as the turnover group, VAT, and production properties. You can also change these predefined settings per product
  • Turnover groupthe revenue category to which the item is linked

In "Pricing" you will find:

  • Price: enter the price of the product
  • Tax-rate: this is automatically added from the product group
    • You can indicate if it is an open price item, and/or if the price including VAT will be used
  • Option price: this is the price of the item when offered as an option to another product
  • Price per: enter an amount which is the 'price per' unit
  • Unit: specify the unit of the item. For example, a kilo of steak costs €12.00. You enter 1 for the 'price per', kilo for the unit and €12.00 for the price (the kilo price). When taking the order, you will be asked for the amount of kilos

In the "Production" section, you can specify the product follow order (see production order):

  • Course: You can set the course classification of the product, for example a main course
  • Production-attributes: this is where the kitchen printers are controlled. (Also see: production stations).

In the section "Pop-ups" you can connect several option menus.

  • Select the option menu you want to associate with the product and press "Add option menu". You can link multiple option menus to one product
  • With the option "dependent on product" you can indicate whether the product from the option menu should be send to the corresponding receipt printers

In the section "Composites" you can add components to the product: also see product composites. On the right-hand side there are some characteristics to determine:

  • Description / short name: the product name used in the app
  • Search & filters / Search field 1 and 2: these can be used to set the T9 search code or barcodes
  • Other / Store: if a product is only used for one particular store. For this you need to have linked several stores in the Backoffice
  • The checkbox "is option only": the product is not included on the menu itself, but is sold as an extra option
  • Process / Workflow: This option is only applicable when you have an interface with, for example, Xafax. For more information on this, please contact our service desk
  • Identification / Your reference: Here you can add your own reference to the product
  • ID: Here again is the unique ID of the product
Product description

In the Product description section, you can insert information about the product.


In this section, you can upload a product image either by clicking on Select file, or by dragging / dropping the image. You can specify in the same section, where you want this image to be used.

Product Information

In this section, you can insert the allergens and additives that could be relevant to your product. For more information, please consult the following article.

Finish your set-up by clicking on Save.

🎓 Step-by-Step Instructions

How did we do?

How to add time restrictions to the menus?

How to adjust product's details in the list view?
