Receiving your DISH POS shipment

Jordan Klose Updated by Jordan Klose

General information

The hardware of your DISH POS system will be shipped to the address of your establishment, except you have agreed differently during the sales process. To ensure a successful delivery, please check if the name of the establishment is clearly visible and displayed on the doorbell (if you have any).

Also, please be aware that the delivery can’t be scheduled and may be Monday-Saturday during regular business hours (08:00am to 06:00pm). In case no one answers the door, the logistics company may return the next day or forward the whole shipment to the next pick-up station.

Issues with your shipment

This article only applies to received shipments! If a package is lost and was never delivered, please report this directly to the DISH support. 

When receiving the shipment, please check all packages for visible damage or suspicious signs of theft. One indicator could be the use of a tape other than the DISH brand.

If one of the above applies to at least one box of the shipment, please proceed with the following: 

  1. Before accepting the delivery (by signature), please request the delivery person to make an internal note about the condition of the shipment.
  2. Before opening the package(s), please take detailed pictures from the damaged areas, as well as a picture where the whole box including the shipping label is visible and readable.  
  3. Now you can open the packages and check if there are items (physically) damaged or missing. Feel free to cross-check with the delivery slip. 
  4. If you notice damaged or missing items, please download the claiming document here, fill out the requested data and sign it.
Unfortunately, this document was only made available in German with English subtitles by our supplier in charge.
  1. Once done, send the signed document, the pictures and a scan of the delivery slip to the DISH support of your country. Follow this link to find the information on how to reach your DISH support:
Before sending, make sure that you have changed the country information at the top of the page to the one suited to you.
  1. Please add a short description of the exact issue and overview of the items damaged. 
Each shipment (Shipment ID) which is affected needs a separate claiming document! 

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