DISH POS Onboarding

This tutorial is at the moment undergoing changes! Please check back soon to see if these changes might affect your onboarding experience.

This tutorial has been split into three, easy to follow click-through parts.
This allows you to have a couple of breaks and to continue at your convenience.

Please open your mailbox.

There you will find an email from DISH with the subject Onboarding project created.

In this mail, please start entering by clicking on Click here to start.

This will open your browser window and redirect you to the DISH POS ONBOARDING.

DISH POS Onboarding - Part 1

  1. To log in, first enter your Email address.
  2. Now enter a password for your login and click Log in.
  3. You are now visualizing an overview of your Project.
  4. To proceed, click on Next.
  5. In the next step, enter your company information, like StreetPostcodeCityCountryPhone Number and Email.
  6. Then click on Next.
  7. Select your preferred language, in this case, we choose English, and click on Next.
  8. Enter the company name and address, as well as the desired greeting text and tax ID to be printed on the receipt.
  9. Drag your logo into the field, or click browse to open a search window to upload the file this way. When done, click Next.
  10. Enter the details of your Wi-Fi network in order for the cash register to arrive pre-configured and ready to go. Then click Next.
Alternatively, if your network is set up and maintained by an IT company, please enter the company's contact details here and click Next.
  1. Now select the payment methods you accept and click Next.
  2. We will now continue with the Establishment tab.
  3. In the Authorisations section, start by clicking on +Add row.
  4. Please enter your First and Last name, a numeric Login code, and select the appropriate permissions for your account.
  5. Before proceeding, click the Check input button to see if the given information is accepted.
    You also have the option to add a new entry, duplicate the one you already made, or delete an entry by selecting the corresponding icons on the right side of the entry.
  6. Continue by clicking on Next.
  7. In the Table series section, click + Add row.
  8. You are now able to create a Table series and assign an AreaTable name and the corresponding table series number.
  9. You can also click the Check input button to see if the given information is accepted.
    You again have the option to add a new entry, duplicate the one you already made or delete an entry by selecting the corresponding icons on the right side of the entry.
  10. Then click on Next.
  11. All the data you have entered so far, is saved. To continue with your setup, scroll further down on this page to the Onboarding Tutorial Part 2.

DISH POS Onboarding - Part 2

In Part 2 you will configure your Turnover Categories, your Courses and your Tabs. So let's get started.

  1. Start by clicking on + Add row in the Turnover Categories.
  2. You can now enter the name of your main turnover category and the corresponding sub-groups. For example Drinks and as sub-groups Hot Drinks, Cocktails etc.
  3. You then have the option to add a new entry, duplicate the one you already made or delete an entry by clicking the respective button.
  4. Click on Next to continue.
  5. In the section Courses, click on + Add row.
  6. Name the course you would like to create, like in this example Appetisers and Main Courses.
  7. You again have the option to add a new entry, duplicate the one you already made or delete an entry by clicking the respective button.
  8. Click Next to continue with Tabs section.
    The Tabs are within the DISH POS App and help you sort your articles, in order for you to find them fast and easy. 
  9. To see an example, click on Show more and afterwards click on Understood, to close the pop-up.
  10. Click on + Add row in order to add a new tab.
  11. And now enter the name of the tab you would like to create.
  12. Once more you have the option to add a new entry, duplicate the one you already made or delete an entry by clicking the respective button.
  13. Once you have created all your tabs, click on Next.
    Note: You can come back at any time to add, remove or change something.

You have reached the end of DISH POS Onboarding Part 2To proceed with Article groups, please go to the next tutorial DISH POS Onboarding Part 3

DISH POS Onboarding - Part 3

In Part 3 you will configure your Article groups, Articles and Option menus. So let's get started.

Depending on the template provided, you should already find some Article groups, as you will see in the next step.
  1. Start by clicking on Next in the Article groups section.
  2. Click on Show more and see how the Article groups look like inside the DISH POS App.
  3. Your Article groups are within each tab, which you have configured in your previous step. Click on Understood, to close the pop-up that appears.
  4. To create an Article group, just click on + Add row and fill in the data.
  5. Give it a Name, choose the Tab you want it to be placed in, choose it's Turnover category, the Printer to be assigned, the VAT rate, if it is part of a Default course and which Menu colour you want it to have.
  6. Once you have entered all Article groups, click on Next.
    Note: You can come back at any time to add, remove or change something.
  7. Now it is time to enter all your articles. Here you see some examples already. In case you have a large menu, remember to take breaks.If you are not sure what each tab means, click on Show more.
  8. In the pop-up you will find a description to all the tabs.Click Understood when finished going through.
  9. To enter the first article, click on + Add row.
    Note: It is advisable to start the same way as your menu is built up.Usually it is either Soups or Salads, or it starts with beverages.
  10. Type in the Name of the Article.
    Note: Some fields may be pre-filled, but you can change everything step by step.
  11. Then choose the correct Article group.
  12. Enter the Price.
    Note: This field is obligatory. If there is a article that you give away for free, you have to enter the value of € 0.00; while if you use open prince, you need to leave the field empty.
  13. Now choose Yes/No for Manual price.
    Note: If you choose Yes, then you allow entering the price with each order.Use this option for things like a Menu (i.e. Fish of the day), that has a variable price.
  14. If this is an option article, like the whipped cream above, enter the Option price. Otherwise, just skip this step.
  15. Set your article to the correct Turnover category.
  16. Choose the Printer for this article.
  17. If applicable, choose the Course.
  18. Then scroll to the right to visualize the other options.
  19. To connect any article with any option, click on this article's Option menu and in the drop-down you will find all your stored options.
  20. Click and set a hook on the option you wish to attach this article.
    Note: Multiple selection is possible if more than one options apply to an article.
  21. You can also enter a Search key for some, or all of your articles, to make them easier to find. For instance, the letters "cf" for coffee, or "cap" for cappuccino.
    Note: You can also search for the product's full name.
  22. To set the Allergens, just click on the field of the article.
  23. Then click on every box that applies to this specific article, and the Allergens will be saved.
  24. Click on Deposit, if you need to add one for this article. Usually this is the case when there is either an imposed deposit for the restaurateur, or the for high quality dishes that the customer is supposed to return.
  25. Now you can go ahead and enter your entire menu. Go back and forth as you need, to create articles and article options. When finished, click on Next.
  26. You can create as many Options menus as you want. Most common are remarks and customer wishes that are quite regular. This allows your staff to be more efficient and fast whilst taking orders. Scroll down to add more.
  27. Click on + Add row, enter first the Options menu name, and then one by one the options description which will be the Choice.
    Note: All settings can also be accessed by the Back-office login, deleted and/or edited. 
  28. Once you have entered everything, you are set to go. Click on Finish setup to submit the entire form. This will save everything to your DISH POS.
    Note: It is highly advisable to take a break and look over everything, before submitting this form.
  29. Click once more on Finish setup, to upload all your data.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your new DISH POS.

How did we do?

Receiving your DISH POS shipment
