Fiskaltrust - Create CSV or XML report - Only for Germany 🇩🇪

Disclaimer: fiskaltrust is NOT a DISH product, and therefore we can not assume any responsibility for process changes, or malfunctions.

How to create an CSV or XML report for your Accountant or bookkeeping

  1. To log in, first enter your Email address.
  2. Now enter a password for your login and click Log in.
  3. Once logged in, click Configuration on the lower part of the sidebar menu.
  4. Now click on Queue in the submenu.
  5. Now click on the Export button.
  6. In the new page, click on the first calendar icon and choose a starting date.
  7. Now click on the second calendar icon and select the end date.
  8. Scroll down the page and choose either Full export (XML), or Full export (CSV).
  9. Now click on Start export.
  10. Once the file has been created, click on the little arrow to unfold the row.
  11. Now select the ZIP file to start the download.

That was it. Your report is now in your download folder.

How did we do?

Correcting an invitation to a non-existent eMail address

Fiskaltrust - Create a DSFinV-K report - for Germany only 🇩🇪
