How can I configure random spot checks on my self-service POS/Grab and Go POS?

Jordan Klose Updated by Jordan Klose

In this article, we are going to show you how to configure random spot checks on your Self-service POS/Grab and Go POS.

To configure your Self-service POS or Grab & Go, go to Self-service POS or Grab & Go
You minimally need to run the Cologne release on your Frontoffice (v3s195bx)
If you do not see the option for Random Spot checks within the sales channel, please contact a Cloud admin to switch on the toggle on Enterprise level

Step-by-step instructions


  1. Firstly, you will have to log in to the Backoffice
  2. Go to Self-service
  3. Go to Sales channels
  4. Edit a Self-scan checkout or Self-service checkout by pressing the pencil icon
  5. Switch on the toggle Enable checks
  6. Notice the new settings that become available
    1. Frequency: Determines the probability (in %) with which a check will be triggered for an order.
    2. Expiration: The expiration time will automatically cancel the check after the configured time has passed. It can now be configured in minute intervals from 1 to 10 minutes.
    3. Pin code: Required length of the pin code is 8 digits
    4. Explanatory note: This text is visible to the guest when the spot check is triggered
  7. Save your changes

Keep in mind, since changes have been made, you must send them to your system by navigating to the general settings.
  1. Go to General
  2. Then navigate to the sub-category General
  3. From there, click on Send to transmit the changes to your system

For further details, please check out our article: How do I send changes from the Backoffice to my POS?

Self-service POS:

  1. Go to your Self-service screen and do a test order
  2. Book products and select a payment method
  3. Notice the random check being triggered
  4. The guest needs to request help from an employee to do the spot check
  5. Press Start check
  6. The employee enters the pin code and selects the confirmation button
  7. The employee checks the contents of the guest's order on in the basket and compares these to the physical contents
  8. The employee chooses whether the spot check was denied or approved
    1. In case of denial, the basket will be cleared, and the guest needs to start over again
    2. In case of approval, the guest can continue with the order
  9. The guest can pay for the products and the next guest can use the Self-service

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