Replace TSE, defect / stolen TSE [DE09]

Magdalena Stoyanova Updated by Magdalena Stoyanova

Disclaimer: fiskaltrust is NOT a DISH product, and therefore we can not assume any responsibility for process changes, or malfunctions.

How to replace the TSE, if it gets stolen or develops a defect

  1. To log in into the fiskaltrust.Portal, first enter your Email address.
  2. Now enter your password and click Log in.
  3. The first step is to click on Configuration.
  4. A drop-down menu is going to open, and you'll have to click on Signature Creation Unit.
  5. In the top right corner of the page that opens, you'll have to click on + Add.
  6. Give a proper name to your new signature and select the Package named SCU.DE.Swissbit from the dropdown menu. Note: you have to select an outlet in order to be able to continue.
  7. In the Device path field you'll have to write /media/swissbit.
  8. Then click on http(REST) to add an endpoint.
  9. Now click on Save, for not losing the progress made
  10. The next steps are to be completed on the DISH POS.

🎓 Step-by-Step Instructions

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How do I cancel a subscription?

TSE is inactive after first receipts [DE08]
