How do I add and manage fixed discounts for my stores?

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to add and manage fixed discounts for your stores.

With standard discounts you can set a fixed discount that applies to the entire enterprise or store. You set this up in the Backoffice. As an example for a promotional campaign, where this function can be applied: "In June we give a 1% discount per degree Celsius above 15 on our terrace and in the entire restaurant."

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Step by step list

  1. Go to the backoffice.
  2. Go to General > General.
  3. You will see an overview of all the stores. Click on the pencil icon in front of the store you want to edit.
  4. You can add a discount under Fixed discounts in the left menu.
  5. Click +add row.
  6. You can now enter the following details for a discount:
  • You can change the name of the discount under Description.
  • Under Value, you can enter a number that can either be a percentage % or a fixed amount in Euro.
  • The trashcan icon can be clicked to remove the discount.
Note: This discount now applies to the entire store.

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