Printing reports from your device - DISH POS Lite

Steps for printing reports

In the top left corner you will see the 'hamburger menu'. If you click this a list of features appears, including 'Print report'.

In the DISH POS Lite app, several reports are available that can be printed from the app on the receipt printer.

  • The 'Stock report' prints an overview of the items with current stock levels
  • The 'Shift report' prints an overview of the turnover of the registered employee
  • The 'All shifts report' prints a summary of the turnover per employee and a total
  • The 'Cash transaction report' prints a summary of all cash transactions such as cash in/out
  • The 'Attention summary report' prints an overview of all the special circumstances during a shift, such as the removal of products by the registered employee
  • The 'Daily report' prints an overview of all the particularities of all shifts per employee
  • The 'Product report' prints an overview of all sold products
  • The 'Turnovergroup report' prints an overview of the sales per group

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