Adding and managing derived menus - DISH POS Lite

Step by step instructions:

A derived menu allows you to create a menu under the existing menu.

All changes in the "normal" menu will also automatically appear in the derived menu, but groups and/or products can be expanded or added separately. A derived menu is often used for example in a webshop or in a multi-store environment.

To create a derived menu follow these steps:

  1. Go to "+ Add menu"
  2. Give the derived menu a 'name'
  3. Enable 'is derived menu'
  4. Choose the 'Base menu' and the 'Store' where the derived menu should be placed
  • Below the menu you will find the derived menu. It has the same submenus as the parent menu. With a derived menu you can turn a submenu on or off and add other submenus that the parent map does not have. You can also turn products on or off and add them.
  • Use the "trash can icon" to turn off a submenu or product. The trash can icon will change into a '+ icon'. If you want to turn it on again you have to choose the '+ icon'. This can also be done on at product level. To turn a product "off", click the "trash can icon". Click "+ icon" to turn the article on again.
  • By using the '+ symbol' behind a main category in the menu you can add an extra subgroup.
  • The derived card can be linked to a 'facility' (area or table).

🎓 Step-by-Step Instructions

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