How can I have access to DISH POS BI?

Jordan Klose Updated by Jordan Klose

In this article, we are going to show you how to enable access to DISH POS BI to run a more data driven business.

DISH POS BI Basic: DISH POS BI automatically gives you access to a number of insights that are displayed on your basic reports. You will be able to classify your turnover by time, location, payment method and employees.
Only a few steps away from benefiting of DISH POS BI

DISH POS BI provides even more data insights than DISH POS Backoffice. But first, you must give the desired users access to it.

This way, you ensure that only you and the employees you choose can have access to confidential business data and evaluate it.

How to set up user rights for DISH POS BI

To set up the needed user rights (also called Permissions) visit the DISH POS Backoffice

  1. Under General in the main menu, open the sub-category User groups. Here you will find the user groups you have previously set up for your establishment.
  2. To adjust the settings of a user group, use the editing icon, to the left of the corresponding user group.
  3. Then expand the submenu Finance by clicking on the down-facing arrow on the left.
  4. For DISH POS BI select the checkbox All. This gives all employees linked to this user group access to DISH POS BI.
  5. Once the changes have been made, click on Save
  6. When you refresh the DISH POS Backoffice the users will then find the menu item DISH POS BI under Finances in the main menu. By clicking on DISH POS BI, the analytics board opens in a new tab
Do you need a more detailed guide on setting up permissions for your users?
We have this article backed up with a video and a step-by-step guide for you prepared.

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